Friday, June 6, 2014

28 Good Night Stories

This anthology is neatly tied together with a knot of friendship between a guardian-angel trainee and an old bear. The two take turns sharing one story each night until the next full moon and the angel's big test. In the end, the bear learns the secret word that the angel has whispered in the ear of a child each night: "Grow." That is the central theme of each story, whether it be physical, emotional or intellectual growth. While the concept is sweet and the message meaningful (if forced at times), several stories lack the spark that would bring them to life. Tharlet's charming artwork employs a soft palette that lends to the somnolent feel of the stories, depicting the most cogent details of each. The affection between the two friends is easily apparent, while the adorable little angel's almost hopeless clumsiness will have readers rooting for his final success. A mixed result, but there are lessons to be learned here, and the illustrations are worth a look. This story book for kids is for ages 4-8.
28 Good Night Stories

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

1 Teddy Bear: A Counting Book

Teddy bears are certainly a favorite child's toy. Soft, warm, brown plush usually adds to the comfort. In this board book, the familiar toy comes in a variety of shades from almost yellow to dark brown, and the teddy bears are used to help kids learn to count from 1 to 10. The bears are shown in recognizable activities, two on the phone, four waving at the reader, six holding flowers, nine wearing red caps and ten all in a bed. With that many teddy bears, there is no room for a sleepy child, but the kids will enjoy seeing two teddy bears reading books, one snuggling with a doll and others already asleep. The spreads are different colors, so the little kids book could also be used to introduce more than half a dozen colors. This kids book is simple, but effective. This children's book is for kids ages 0-4. Preschoolers books for kids.
1 Teddy Bear: A Counting Book