The new edition of Where's Waldo Now? has a great feature. Waldo has been moved in each illustration from the first edition of this book! So if you loved these illustrations before, here is your chance to enjoy them all over again.
The scenes start with cave man days, and move on to ancient Egypt, ancient Rome, Viking voyages, the Crusades, the Middle Ages in Europe, Aztecs, 1600 in Japan, 1750 as a pirate, 1900 at a Paris ball, the Gold Rush, and also a future look at a space colony.
Although finding Waldo is challenging enough, this fascinating volume is filled with dozens of other people and objects to seek. There are 25 Waldo watchers, each one of whom is unique to an illustration. You also get Wenda, the Wizard Whitebeard, and Odlaw in each illustration. In addition, there's a mystery character in each illustration whom you need to find on your own. (There's a clue at the end of the kids book if you can not figure it out.) Woof the dog appears just as a tail in each illustration. You also have Woof's bone, Wenda's camera, Wizard Whitebeard's scroll, and Odlaw's binoculars in each illustration. At the end of the children's book are lists of a dozen or so characters and objects to find in each specific illustration.
If you have not seen this kids book before, the illustrations are done across a two-page spread filled from the edges of both pages in both directions. The characters and objects are very small. You can profitably use a magnifying glass if you have trouble seeing small things. Bright light is a must! Leave us your comments. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Let us know what other kids books you would like to have reviewed. Share this post with your family and friends.
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