Read and Learn Bible
These Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments are easily written in large print with colorful pictures on every page. Children can read this Bible for themselves. "The Tower of Babel," "Daniel and the Lions," "Jesus is Born," and "Jesus Heals a Crippled Man," are some of the 102 stories paraphrased from the King James version, the Contemporary English version, and other translations. Words in the text are further explained in a colored note at the bottom of the page. The books included are listed at the beginning of the Old and New Testament sections, along with the stories taken from each book. At the end are 20 "Parent Pages" written by Dr. Richard Bimler, which give suggestions for family projects and discussion. These Pages use specific Bible stories to illustrate topics such as "Facing the Fears of Life" and "Share Your Gifts." The scholarly resources of the American Bible Society coupled with Scholastic have produced a fully illustrated Bible especially for young readers and their families. This children's book is for kids reading levels ages 4-8. Leave us your comments. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Let us know what other children's books you would like to have reviewed. Share this post with your family and friends. Remember to always praise your child.
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