Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Llama Llama Misses Mama

Bright and early one morning Mama Lama awakens her little one and goes through the busy morning routine before driving him to preschool. Meeting the teacher, Llama hangs back and when Mama leaves he shyly waves good-bye from the window. Clutching his stuffed "lovie" Llama does not join in the games or activities, eats alone, and sheds quiet tears for the Mama he wants to return. Classmates sensitive to his feelings gently lure him into the rest of the days schedule until before he knows it… Mama is back. He runs to her open arms and at day's end concedes that he not only loves Mama but school, too. This universal childhood experience is treated with warmth and sensitivity. His anxiety over being separated from Mama is palpable as is his joy at her return. Rhyming couplets move the story along and the oil paintings with their soft palette accurately portray little Llama's range of emotions. This is perfect preparation and reassurance for little ones embarking on their first steps away from Mom. This children's book is for kids reading levels ages 3-6. Leave us your comments. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Let us know what other children's books you would like to have reviewed. Share this post with your family and friends. Remember to always praise your child.


Llama Llama Misses Mama

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