Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Piece = Part = Portion: Fractions = Decimals = Percents

Some mathematical concepts are hard to grasp. Elementary school teacher and author Scott Gifford admits he too, at a younger age, "was flummoxed by fractions, daunted by decimals, and puzzled by percents." In the full page introduction, piece, part, and portion are discussed as similar but different concepts. "Hello Hola Bonjour" are the friendly greetings the introduction uses to welcome us...a similar concept expressed in three different ways. In the rest of the 32 pages, each two-page spread illustrates the concepts in four different ways. One of my favorites is a full page picture of two feet with red socks. The left big toe is sticking out of a hole in its sock. On the neighboring page we see: "1/10 of your toes .10 10%." Other images that kids can relate to include one gym shoe, one piece of pie in its tin, one whole pizza, one egg sitting in its carton, and one soccer player wearing a jersey surrounded by ten more jerseys. This book reinforces that age-old formula: 1 picture = 1,000 words.
 Leave us your comments. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Let us know what other topics you would like to have reviewed. Share this post with your friends. Remember to always praise your child.
Piece = Part = Portion: Fractions = Decimals = Percents